Tuesday, May 22, 2018


                                                            GOD'S HEALTH LAWS

God's health laws are created for our benefit.  He knows what it takes to sustain a healthy body.
He did not create sickness ; sickness is a curse cause by breaking the law of God (Deut. 28).
The human body requires constant maintenance.
God gave us certain foods to eat with high nutrient content, so we can have a healthy body, free of diseases.
We are to provide the human body with the necessary substances that are in line with His created design.  Anything short of that becomes a "foreign" element to the body.  Any molecule or chemical, or other substance which nature does not recognize which enters our body, is regarded as a poison and a foreign substance. The body immediately must take steps to remove these substances.
We must follow His laws to be free of diseases. 
FOR EXAMPLE :   God declared in His health laws not to eat pork (Lev. 11).  He did not create swine or any other scavenger to be eaten.  People do it anyways, and therefore illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer may occur.
In the biblical times, people did not die from illnesses like they do today ; They were active too.
Activity is necessary to maintain a stimulus on certain cells and tissues of the body to remain strong.  The less we use our body the more we enhance the degenerative process of our joints and muscles.
Poor nutrition and lack of exercise can cause our cells to go wild ; this will lead to disease, premature aging, and death.
God intended for us to be healthy, physically and spiritually.  We have to be healthy so He is able to use us to do His work.  
God's children are the temple of the living God.  Therefore, we should try to keep our bodies pure, physically and spiritually.
In history, Antiochus Epiphanes, defiled the temple by offering swine flesh on God's altar (I Maccabees 1:61).  If pork or any other unclean meat could defile God's temple then, it will also defile His temple today ; and we are God's temple. 
Most Christians are taught from biblical illiterate pastors, that we don't have to follow any of God's laws today.  It's a false doctrine men have created (it's not biblical). 
In Acts 10-10-31, Peter falls into a trance, and sees all kinds of unclean animals.  The Lord told him to kill and eat these unclean animals, but Peter did not.
Biblical illiterate pastors would take this and twist it, because they don't understand God's analogies, figures of speech, and symbols God uses throughout His word, to bring forth His message. He wasn't talking about food but about Cornelius ; a Gentile.  He wanted to show Peter that nobody is unclean to receive Christ.
In I Timothy 4:1-3, He states that, in the latter days (our time), some will depart from the true faith and will judge people that are divorced, and by commanding people to abstain from meats, which God has created to be received.  They take the latter part and tell people they can eat anything if they ask God to bless the food ; they did not read the part that says, the meats He created to be received ; He did not create scavengers to be received.
Eighty percent of people with diabetes die from hypertension, and heart problems ; Don't be part of this percentage.
Learn simple lifestyle changes that can prevent and even reverse disease.
Disease never comes without a cause.  The way is prepared and disease is invited when we disregard the laws of health.
Although eating unhealthy is not a sin unto hell, it's a sin against our physical health.


  NOTE :  Our body does not change ; we need the same nutrients as before to sustain a healthy system.
People like to blame God with life's obstacles, but we create our own problems when we refuse to obey God's laws (physical and spiritual).

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